After having a happy holiday filled with family, fun, and an abundance of food, it was time to make the anticipated New Years resolutions. During the Christmas holidays, so many of us inhale that second piece of chocolate cake, bag of candy, and skip our last workout at the gym for the week knowing it's our last chance to indulge.
In hopes of giving my readers a kick start for 2011, I have found the top New Years resolutions people around the globe strive for year after year. Chances are, more than one of these are on your to-do list for 2011. Here's to helping you achieve your 2011 NY resolutions and goals.
Most of these practices listed below will produce a snowball effect and in-turn help you in more ways than one. Just remember; a few small changes will eventually produce big results.
Improve health
When eating, eat your greens first to pave a path for the rest of your meal. When cooking a meal try eating only a carbohydrate and veggie or veggie and meat. This keeps the digestion process simple and easy on your body.
Drink more water overall. Did you know that an average of 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? You need to to drink enough daily to replace what you have lost through exertion. Staying hydrated will give you more energy throughout the day, in-turn producing greater results in your work and daily activities.
Try drinking water only up to 30 min before and 30 minutes after your meal. This allows your food to stay concentrated therefore making it easier to digest. By drinking water during meals, you are diluting precious digestive enzymes that make digestion work properly and therefore, less nutrients are being absorbed.
Do a cleanse! Just changing to a vegetarian diet for a few days will naturally clean out the unwanted gunk in your gut. Try your local whole foods store for a variety of other choices and see what works best for you.
One of the latest spreading technologies in Chelation therapy, which removes heavy metals from the blood stream. If you eat a lot of fish, chances are you have some heavy metals that need to be removed. Ask your doctor about this procedure.
Listen to your body and get regular health checks. Preventative health care is the most important.
Join the gym...and quit making excuses of why you can’t. You’re too busy, you don’t like going, bla bla bla.
Try and find one with a variety of classes. This is the best way to keep from being bored and constantly work different muscle groups. You will also learn new exercises you can incorporate into your solo workouts. Also, working out in a group setting has proven more affective as people tend to work out longer who typically wouldn’t in a group setting.
Grab a gym buddy or workout partner and make a pact to get in gear. If you don’t want to go, you’ll feel like your letting people down. Pick someone who is more motivated than you, so if you try to get out of it, they’ll call you out.
Lacking funds or just don’t see the point in spending money on a gym membership? Thats what the great outdoors are for.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator. You’re not only helping yourself, your helping the environment as well.
Ride your bike to work...and back. It may take a little longer, but you are incorporating your workout into your day and can feel much more freeing than sitting in rush hour traffic.
Stuck in the office all day? While your sitting at your desk practice good posture. While pulling your shoulders back, your forced to tighten your abs. And when it's time for lunch pack yours, and bring your sneakers to take a walk to the nearby park.
Eat Better
Keep healthy snacks in your desk. If your craving sugar, have an apple which is high in fiber, not sugar filled candies which will keep you wanting more.
Avoid processed foods and things with preservatives. If don’t know what the ingredients on the label are, then don’t buy it. Plain and simple.
Buy foods low in sugars. You should feeding your body what it is composed of; mostly water, meaning drink lots and have foods that contain H2O; these include most green vegetables.
Drink Less Alcohol
If you choose to drink, have a glass of water between each drink when your having a night out. This will not only help you reduce your alcohol intake, but keep you hydrated which will in-turn give you a better chance of avoiding a hangover.
When choosing a drink, stay away from sugar filled cocktails as they are full of empty calories.
Substitute tonic water with soda water. It is calorie free.
Quit Smoking
Did you know smoking causes you to lose vitamin c which can take a toll on your health?
If you have a hand or mouth fixation, try a sugar free lolly pop, or a fake cigarette.
Make sure you’re getting all of your vitamins. Check your local health store for a great multivitamin.
Get a Better Job
Try a temp or recruiting agency. Just google it and you will find many in your area or specified field of interest.
Networking is key! Letting other people you meet know you are interested in certain areas of work. This is an excellent way to find top of the line jobs. It’s all about who you know.
Think outside the box. Get creative and start your own business. If you are unemployed, you must have a ton of extra time on your hands.
Always wanted to travel? Did you know if you are between the age of 18-30 you can get working holiday visas around the world depending on the country you are from?...and if you’re over 30, you may apply for visas as well, just through a different service.
Improve Education
Finish that degree you always wanted by going back to school. It's never too late to change your career.
Always wanted to learn another language? Go to the library and check out some language cd’s. You can even upload these onto your ipod and multitask while your running or riding your bike. There are also language schools all over the country if you want a classroom setting.
Reduce Stress
De-clutter your life. Clean out your house, and your car. Donate the things you don't need or sue to a local good will or charitable organization. Less clutter equals less stress.
Don’t sweat the small stuff you can’t control. The only thing you can control are your actions. So let it all go. Take thirty minutes to an hour each day and make time for yourself. Do whatever it is that makes you happiest whether it’s reading a book, taking a yoga class, watching your favorite tv program, or going for a run.
Take a Trip
No matter where you live, it’s always good to have a getaway to recharge your batteries. Whether your into sightseeing, mountain climbing, going to the spa, taking a trip the beach or visiting your family.
And if your on a budget?
Try Kayak: searches many websites for you to find the lowest ticket prices, hotels, and car rentals.
Feel like going somewhere on a whim? Travelzoo top 20 gives you last minute getaways for cheap both nationally
If you have any questions feel free to email me for more ideas! I have plenty more ideas up my sleeve! Good luck with your goals for 2011!