Monday, November 29, 2010


What's the first thing I'll say when someone asks where I want to go out to dinner?

If you know me at all, then you know how much I love sushi.
These little shotgun dining hallways are scattered
all around the city in nooks and crannies for the bustling masses.
Displayed along the storefront, they're similar to a sushi boat back home.
Maybe not the most creative, but these rolls are ready fast.
A "ready in 15 seconds" California, Spicy Tuna, or Salmon Roll for an afternoon snack?
These"hand rolls" are nothing like the US version, and they are served togo in an open faced bag or a quick eat in at on of the little tables. To actually eat the handroll is rather tricky. You see, it's just like a regular sushi roll, but they don't actually cut it at all.
At my first (and last) attempt at biting off the log-like sushi, only about 1/2 the roll made it in my mouth and the other 1/2 made a somewhat graceful landing in my lap and all over the counter. The next time I was smart enough to request it cut into 4 smaller pieces. I had a great time watching other tourists attempt the "hand roll", but the locals seem to have it down.

The hunger quenching snack in-between meals or not actually hungry enough for a lunch is mere chump change at $2.50 a roll.

Fast, Fresh (enough), and Filling.

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