Last Tuesday:
what a perfect day!
We hired a boat ( a big one) for one of the boys bday.

With Champagne flowing, minty smell of mojitos being mixed, and many Monteiths being cracked open, the two hours turned into 4 on the baby blue glacier water.
When I left the boat it looked like I had attempted to slit my wrists (from climbing back on the boat with no ladder),
from either flipping of the 2nd story,

and yes, those are ice cubes flying through the air at us!
or being repetitively pushed in every time I climbed out of the water. It was quite a workout.
I worked at the "office bar" , and by work I mean babysat birthday boy, managers, and most of the rest of the gang, but still thoroughly enjoyed the night with a few glasses of Moet.
100% A LIST DAY ....
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