It started out like every other Tuesday night...
slow, and relaxing,
enough time to chat with the customers while having a glass of Rose.
At 12:55, Mairi and I decided it wasn't getting any busier, so she went home to get some rest for our Canyoning trip in the morning.
At 1:05
Disaster struck Barmuda!
By that I mean everyone who works for Goodbars came in.
It was like Cheers,
as I literally knew everybody's name IN and ON the bar.
We had dancing, drinking, more dancing, loads of Elton and Michael playing. The night didn't end there, I made my way over to Bardeaux to join the colleagues, and crazies.
A special friend of mine bought me a few glasses of Veuve
*****a noteworthy Thank You to him for contributing to my hangover ;)
I had a whole 3 hours of sleep. My hangover was gone the very second I jumped into the ice cold water.
We Swam
Zip-lined across waterfalls
And Jumped 8 meters (26 FT!!!!!) into the water!
all while wearing massive wet-suits, and gear to keep you warm and afloat.
We did the Queenstown 1/2 Day trip, but there is also a full day-trip outside the city. The staff is great, very knowledgeable, and hilariously funny!
A MUST DO for adrenaline junkies like myself:
Canyoning was followed
by a 30 minute nap,
a hot shower
and a Wine/Champagne Training
at Barmuda at 3pm
(aka another excuse to drink).
After we all had a slight buzz, it was time for us to drink the 4 bottles of Champagne we won.
Spending all day with the wonderful people I work with made me realize how much I am going to miss working with them. Never a dull moment. So many different personalities, but they all mesh so very well. It also made me realize how important family truly is.
They have become mine in Queenstown for the past 3 months.
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