Look out Wanaka, here we come!!!!!
Off to Rippon.

Suitcase. Check.
Towel. Check.
Swimsuit. Check.
Fun Friends. Check.
The sun is shining, birds are chirping, breeze is blowing across my sunkissed face. The Weather had been stupefying these past 2 weeks!
We drive across the charming counrtyside full of farm animals, lush greenery. Then Richie abruptly yells "Stop the car", Panic mode sets in as he thinks he has forgotten his phone, but realizes after a brief alzheimer moment it has only fallen under his seat.
I'm promptly informed that it is Waitangi Day, the day the white men gave the Maoris guns and blankets in exchange for land in 1856. Treaty of New Zealand.
Back to the drive:
We cross the Crown Range, a series of beautiful hills, mountains, and winding roads, until we come to the town of Cardrona.... and then we leave 20 seconds later. The town consists of one bar and one church, one hotel, a few sheep, and a couple of houses.
I was thrilled when I when I looked in the back yard of the house we were renting and saw a trampoline! I was like a kid in a candy store and did enough back tucks and layouts to last me another few years of satisfaction.
Rippon was Great!! We all arrived with our Tractor Family names: me being Contractor, the others, Extractor, A Tractor, Dontwannatractor.
Lots of talented local bands! It was a sweltering day, and to our advantage, the lake was just a car ride away. Of course, we rode IN the car instead of being cattle herded in on the way down like the others.
A few of our friends had their boats out, including Mister H with Vaginamite, so we hopped aboard for a glass or two of Champagne to cool off.
Night fell after we headed back and listened to Fat Freddies...
As we left the concert at half 12 Miranda lost a florescent orange Jandal...
and realized she hadn't actually lost it after she walked the entire way home with only one on.
Typical NZ concert attire for the ladies:
*Cut off high waisted extra short levis, a hat, something with white lace that you can see through, and if not that they a barely there dress with a swim top under. So basically next to nothing, Less is definitely more!!
Breakfast was comprised of the very best mocha I have consumed since being in New Zealand. Just enough ice to keep it chilly, but not enough to make it watery. A few coffee beans on top. Well you can see how delicious from the picture...
I had my first experience driving on the "other side" of the road. I did great except for the fact that I turned the windshield wipers on 5 different times thinking they were the blinker.
Spent most of the day relaxing with a cluster of company, drinking gins, wine, and BBQ'ing. he night ended with Dress-ups and Kiwi-Pong (where you find anything you can to hit the ball).
My choice racquets: frying pan, bread plate, or spatchula!
2 MINT Days... as the KIWI's Say.
Chur, sounds like a primo weekend!